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TUTORIAL Aporte: Detectar plugin instalado en el navegador web
Que tal, les comparto una función para detectar si un plugin en especial (vía mime) está instalado o no en el navegador web, probado en firefox e internet explorer:
<script language="JavaScript">

//thanks to Código de JavaScript - Simular la función Trim() en JavaScript
function trim(str)

var i;

if(str != null)

for(i=0; i<str.length; i++)

if(str.charAt(i)== " ")
str = str.substring(i+1, str.length);


for(i=str.length-1; i>=0; i=str.length-1)

if(str.charAt(i)== " ")
str = str.substring(0,i);


str = "";

return str;


function replaceAll(str, strtofind, strtoreplace)

var pos, found, str1, str2;

if(trim(str) == "")
return "";

found = true;

while(found == true)

pos = str.indexOf(strtofind);

if(pos >= 0)
found = true;
found = false;

if(found == true)

str1 = str.substring(0, pos);
str2 = str.substring(pos + strtofind.length, str.length);
str = str1 + strtoreplace + str2;



return str;



//thank to Javascript and plug-ins
function existspluginsinstalledalready(mime)

var i, plugin, myarray, found = false;

if(trim(mime) == "")
return false;

for(i=0; i < navigator.mimeTypes.length; i++)

if(trim(mime).indexOf("/") > 0)

myarray = trim(mime).split("/");
mime = trim(myarray[1]);


plugin = trim(navigator.mimeTypes[i].type);
plugin = "";

if(trim(plugin).indexOf("/") > 0)

myarray = trim(plugin).split("/");
plugin = trim(myarray[1]);


mime = replaceAll(trim(mime).toLowerCase(), "x-", "");
mime = replaceAll(trim(mime).toLowerCase(), "-", " ");
plugin = replaceAll(trim(plugin).toLowerCase(), "x-", "");
plugin = replaceAll(trim(plugin).toLowerCase(), "-", " ");
//alert("mime=" + mime + "\nplugin=" + plugin);
if(trim(mime).toLowerCase().indexOf(trim(plugin).t oLowerCase()) >= 0 || trim(plugin).toLowerCase().indexOf(trim(mime).toLo werCase()) >= 0)

found = true;



return found;




<script language="JavaScript">

alert("plugin para archivos SWF = " + existspluginsinstalledalready("application/x-shockwave-flash"));
alert("plugin para archivos MP3 = " + existspluginsinstalledalready("audio/mpeg3"));
alert("plugin para archivos AVI = " + existspluginsinstalledalready("video/x-msvideo"));
alert("plugin para archivos 3GP = " + existspluginsinstalledalready("video/3gpp"));
alert("plugin para archivos PDF = " + existspluginsinstalledalready("application/pdf"));
alert("plugin para archivos B = " + existspluginsinstalledalready("application/xdb"));


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